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Monday, March 28, 2011

Flat bread! :)

I really like this recipe! It's like a sweet flat bread. My non-GF boyfriend, liked it a lot too. I went to subway yesterday and got a salad (that they so kindly contaminated after I told them, sorry. /rage) and now I wanted something like what they make. It's really easy, and doesn't take long. I made pretty sandwiches with them, lol.
What you all need:
1 cup brow rice flour
1/2 cup corn starch
2 tbs sugar
2 tsp xanthan gum
1/8 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
3/4 cup water
1 tbs cider vinegar
3 tbs canola oil
2 eggs
Yay! Stuff!
Add all of the dry stuff together and mix well, then the wet stuff and you have your doughbatterstuffthings.

Next scoop the batter into greased and flour dusted bread pans and smooth it out using the back of a wet spoon. Cook at 350(F) for about 30 minutes or until done.

I made my boyguymanthing and I some nomy stuff.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Okay every GF pizza crust I've ever made does not taste, look, or feel like this.

Yay! The Giant Food Store near me sells GF King Author All purpose flour! I walked there today and saw a surprise near the yeast. It made me go :D and :3. Anyway, I really like the blend, if you can't get it I posted in my OMG BREAD post how to make it by yourself. It's only $5.00 near me, but it's like.. four cups  per box. They need to make bigger bags. It's what I used in this, you don't need much to make it, nothing hard to find like Teff flour or some crap. Anyway on to this!

Get out this stuffs to make nomnomnom:
3/4 cup GF AP Flour.
3/4 cup Tapioca flour
1 packet (1tbs+1tsp) unflavored gelatin
1 packet of yeast
3tsp xanthan gum
1tsp sugar
2tsp olive oil
1 1/2tsp Cider Vinegar
1/2 warm water
Should I call the Doctor about the crack in my wall? I'm getting worried.

 Okay add all the dry stuff together in a bowl and mix well, blah, blah, blah. After that put in the olive oil, and cider vinegar. Gradually mix in the warm water with everything. The stand mixer I use (from the 70's) so did not like so I stopped and mixed it by hand.

Scrape the sides and form it into a ball. Next, lay wax paper down on a surface. I used the pizza pan it's self. Put a heavy amount of flour down on it. I used tapioca flour. Just, if you do roll it out on the pizza pan make sure to not leave the flour on it, or the wax paper on it. It will smoke. This is where I say sorry to the people I live with for making something in the kitchen smoke at least once a week. I am sorry. Anyway, roll out how ever thin or thick you want it. Make sure it's not sticking on the bottom or to the pin. I didn't even use a rolling pin. I used a roll if cling wrap, lol. It didn't stick at all. Then once it's rolled out cook in a cooking machine for 7-14 minutes or until it's done at 400 degrees (F).




I uh, forgot the pizza sauce, but it tasted awesome as a white pizza anyway! :D

Monday, March 21, 2011


Yes, this bread calls for an acronym. It's bread, I'm-not-joking-around-here-with-how-awesome-this-bread-is-bread. It tastes SO MUCH like wheat white bread. I just bout King Authors Gluten Free AP Flour. I wanted to try it out. Why not make some bread? THIS BREAD IN ITS NOMMYNESS!

LOOK AT DEM AIR HOLES! LOOK! Sorry, I'm so happy. SO HAPPY. I had to eat a slice right out of the oven. I'm just, I don't even know. I love this bread. Anyway, so about the AP flour mix, if it's too pricey near you or you can't get it or something here's how to make it, well what goes in it.
Whisk together 6 cups of brown rice flour; 2 cups potato starch; and 1 cup tapioca flour or tapioca starch. 
Okay on to the recipe...

3 cups GF AP Flour
3 tbs sugar
1 packet dry active yeast (usually 2 teaspoons)
1 1/4 teaspoon salt
1 1/4 teaspoon Xanthan gum
1 cup warm milk
4 tbs butter
3 eggs

The look of the flour made me so happy.

Okay add together the flour, xanthan gum, yeast, sugar, and salt; mix well. You see the bowl in the above picture? I quickly learned that you need one much deeper if using a hand mixer. Anyway after you add the dry ingredients together mix the warm milk in little by little.

Lol, you can see my mess I made. -_-
After the milk is all added in, add in the butter and mix. After that add in the eggs one by one. Only add the next one after the last one is mixed well. I did everything after the milk with hand mixing tools because it didn't seem like the hand mixer could cut handle the thick batter and I didn't want it to break. If you to this, make sure to get LOTS of air into the dough, yes, air. 

After that's all done, put something over the dough to let rise. Let it rise for one hour in the bowl and one hour in the bread pan. 

 After it's sitting in the bowl for an hour before you put it in the bread pan, stir it down.

Make sure the pan is nice and greasy.. 

After it's sat in the bread pan for an hour, cook in a cooking machine for 37-40 minutes and make it as hot at 350 degrees (F). 

I put some melted butter on the outside.


Monday, March 14, 2011

Gluten free chicken salad/dip.

I wanted to make chicken salad and deviled eggs today, mostly because I have this GF mayonnaise that I haven't used in a month and I don't want to waste it. I sort of made a like chicken salad dip because the Magic Bullet is unforgiving. Anyway I dipped some cucumbers  in it and it was really nomy. Anyway...

Find this stuff:
2 stalks of celery, chopped.
2 cooked chicken tenders
1/2 tsp Italian seasoning
1/4 tsp curry powder
10 tbs GF mayonnaise

First, cut up and cook the chicken, while waiting for the chicken to cook chop up the celery. After that's done either just mix together in a bowl or use a blender. (blenders will be my downfall.)

Oh, I made deviled eggs too. :) 

Happy Noming!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Gluten Free thick crust pizza! :D

I've still been trying to work to making a good near gluten tasting pizza crust with out hurting my belly. I really like what I did with this today. I really was unsure so if some things sound odd I was getting ideas as they came. Also; Hello Reddit! <3

Men, women, to your stations: 
2/3cup brown rice flour
2/3cup white rice flour
2cups tapioca starch
1cup flax seed meal
1/2cup buckwheat flour
1/4cup millet flour(+1/3cup for later)
1/4cup cornstarch
1/2tsp potato starch
1 packet (2tbs) dry active yeast
3tsp xanthan gum
1tsp salt
2tbs sugar
3 egg whites
1 1/2 cup warm water
3tbs olive oil
You know, this stuff.

And, if you're like me.. you spent 15 minutes blowing 
your ear drums out.

Next add in all of the dry ingredients, except the 1/3cup of millet flour. That doesn't mean to not add the 1/4cup of it though! Make sure everything is blended well, the flax makes it sorta hard at first.

Next, put your egg whites in a separate bowl. Then, get your cup of warm water(1 1/2cup) and mix in 3tbs of olive oil. Add in the oil-water mix, then add in a little bit of the egg whites at a time and mix well. If your mixture is too wet looking (like mine was, it didn't look right to me) add in 1/3cup of millet flour little by little (you might use less or more) until you think, or it looks like it has the right texture.

Next, cut your dough in half and put half on a well greased pizza pan. Put olive oil on your hands and the dough, spread out, then gradually add in the rest of the dough for a thick crust like mine. Or only use half and save the other for more pizza or make a second one at the same time.

The dough does not taste like salty milk and coins.*

Let that sit for about 20 minutes while you preheat the stove to 400 degrees(F). After that bake it for about 9 minutes. Take out, put on toppings, put back in for another 3-6 minutes for toppings to bake. Then go OMNOMOMNOM.